The Junket
Band members:
Rick: Guitar/Vocals
Steve Rees: Bass/Vocals
Rueban Bobcat: Drums
History: I don't know what come over us, we all quit whatever education was securing us a nice life in society and chose to form The Junket after a drunken conversation in the local pub in Kettering. Everyone wants to live outside society, but to do it you either have to have load's of money (which has to be earned within society) be very sure of yourself or just be plain stupid. At the time we thought we were the second option, but now i'm thinking more in terms of the third. Anyway i think it is that bloody- minded determination that has kept us going in the mindfield that is a life of music. So when Deceptive records stuck there neck out and signed us, we thought "Stamina" was very apt as a title and made quitting to re-enter 9-5 life impossible; how can you call your first release "Stamina" and then finish without world wide success.
We were surprised as anyone when it went in at number 4 in the Indie charts and got played on Radio 1, that reassured us that perhaps the life we've wanted more than anything might just be within our reach. So we set about on what we like to call our "Lux Safari", completely over romanticized but we genuinely believed, and still do that music gave us the vessel to reaching people like Frank Black, Bob Mould, Perry Farell and Kim Deal (the list goes on) reached us. We are still trying to trying to come near to those people.
We released "Lux Safari" and wanted to try out a different style to "Stamina", it's always been important to us to continue the way we set out - to record the best different music possible. We experimented we a lot of other instruments and sounds, and were pleased with the result. So far it seems to have done well and had some good reviews. As ever, touring was the best part, because it really makes you feel like you are a band in the true sense of the word - a group of like minded people expressing themselves in the hope that the world gets it. When we toured "Stamina" the year before, what started out as a brief 3 week tour, ended up growing and growing to become 3 months of us, in our van, drinking to much and driving too fast. So touring has always felt like our natural habitat and we had a blinding "Lux Safari". It was on this tour that we heard our single "Adolessence", a song about losing your virginity in the back of a car, on day time radio 1 and from then on we had the best time losing ourselves round the British Isles. We'd been looking forward to getting to tour Japan as our record appeared to be doing well over there. Having just finished touring England and Scotland we were offered a large support tour with a very big Japanese band called "L'arc en Ciel" who have currently sold 7 million of there recent album, we said yes. To say the least and have just got back. It was a mad experience made better by the fact that we trashed all the hire equipment on the last night of the tour and got banned from the venue!
Future Plans:
We are currently writing the new album and will inform you of how its going.
Thanks to all our fans, see you all at the next gig......
Rick: Guitar/Vocals
Steve Rees: Bass/Vocals
Rueban Bobcat: Drums
History: I don't know what come over us, we all quit whatever education was securing us a nice life in society and chose to form The Junket after a drunken conversation in the local pub in Kettering. Everyone wants to live outside society, but to do it you either have to have load's of money (which has to be earned within society) be very sure of yourself or just be plain stupid. At the time we thought we were the second option, but now i'm thinking more in terms of the third. Anyway i think it is that bloody- minded determination that has kept us going in the mindfield that is a life of music. So when Deceptive records stuck there neck out and signed us, we thought "Stamina" was very apt as a title and made quitting to re-enter 9-5 life impossible; how can you call your first release "Stamina" and then finish without world wide success.
We were surprised as anyone when it went in at number 4 in the Indie charts and got played on Radio 1, that reassured us that perhaps the life we've wanted more than anything might just be within our reach. So we set about on what we like to call our "Lux Safari", completely over romanticized but we genuinely believed, and still do that music gave us the vessel to reaching people like Frank Black, Bob Mould, Perry Farell and Kim Deal (the list goes on) reached us. We are still trying to trying to come near to those people.
We released "Lux Safari" and wanted to try out a different style to "Stamina", it's always been important to us to continue the way we set out - to record the best different music possible. We experimented we a lot of other instruments and sounds, and were pleased with the result. So far it seems to have done well and had some good reviews. As ever, touring was the best part, because it really makes you feel like you are a band in the true sense of the word - a group of like minded people expressing themselves in the hope that the world gets it. When we toured "Stamina" the year before, what started out as a brief 3 week tour, ended up growing and growing to become 3 months of us, in our van, drinking to much and driving too fast. So touring has always felt like our natural habitat and we had a blinding "Lux Safari". It was on this tour that we heard our single "Adolessence", a song about losing your virginity in the back of a car, on day time radio 1 and from then on we had the best time losing ourselves round the British Isles. We'd been looking forward to getting to tour Japan as our record appeared to be doing well over there. Having just finished touring England and Scotland we were offered a large support tour with a very big Japanese band called "L'arc en Ciel" who have currently sold 7 million of there recent album, we said yes. To say the least and have just got back. It was a mad experience made better by the fact that we trashed all the hire equipment on the last night of the tour and got banned from the venue!
Future Plans:
We are currently writing the new album and will inform you of how its going.
Thanks to all our fans, see you all at the next gig......