When I was 13 I took my bar mitzvah money and bought myself some turntables and a mixer. I practiced for about 18 hours a day. Then I came out of my basement, packed my lunch and won a bunch of world championships. Joy! I formed a DJ crew called the Allies with Craze and friends. We toured the world for a while... I guess I've been touring for the last 10 years. Time flies.
I've been Kanye's official DJ since 2004.
My brother and I ran an indie hip hop label called Audio Research from 1997 to 2007. We recently closed it down, as I founded a new label with Nick Catchdubs: Fool's Gold. Some of you now know my brother as the mustachioed half of Chromeo. They have a new album out and it's really great. But I digress. Lately I've been putting more emphasis on production, doing official remixes and producing some of Kid Sister's tracks, among others. I've also got a solo album in the works, due out next year.