American Analog Set
American Analog Set is proud to have joined the Tiger Style family. After several years and various line-up changes, the band is ready to unleash its fourth album 'Know By Heart' upon the world. The record is tentatively scheduled for a September release date and will be accompanied by a full US tour. Plans are also in the works for European and Japanese dates as well. 'Know By Heart' incorporates elements of the classic American Analog Set sound yet takes the band in new directions, relying less heavily on the farfisa and more on their trademark pop sensibilities.
'Know By Heart' travels all over the map throughout its twelve tracks. Songs range from pure pop glory, to grooved out instrumentals, to lullabies to soothe your shattered nerves as evidence by such tracks as 'Punk As Fuck' and 'Desert Eagle'. The record features more vibes and electric piano than previous releases, as well as layered vocals and textured rhythms. This album is the sound of a band coming into its own.