Cayto came from hell and arrived in Glasgow some time in the early eighteenth century BC. On a meteor. The shape of Elvis’ head. Revered and reviled as instigators of the underground ‘Wonk’ scene in Glasgow, Cayto quickly became bored with their peers’ lame hero-worship; they abandoned the scene and forged ahead into the dangerous territory of ‘Post-Wonk’. It’s going well so far.
According to the band, Cayto play ‘experimental rockin’telefunkin magicjazz poonk’. In practice, this translates as an eclectic mix of punkrock, jazz, techno, classical and odd left-field political post-rock. But with tunes & hooks & good bits. Cayto’s unhinged live act has recently been garnering a reputation as one of the most exciting, unnerving and hilarious punk rock shows around, featuring Viking helmets, nudity, special guests and twisted audience participation (often coerced), joyful jumping around, bad dancing, hanging from the ceiling and broken bones (Cayto are trained professionals, but they’re not trained very well).