Ken Eakins: Voice, guitar, samples
Ben Woodward: Bass, keys
Ben Llewellyn: Guitar, samples
Nick Bowers: Drums, voice
Brief Band History:
Formed in 2000 under the name "Project March 4th", but then changed to Escanna (a broken down version of "A Scanner Darkley" by Phillip K Dick) escanna play agit-core noise rock, though new material is heading into doomier atmospheric directions. Escanna have shared stages with the likes of Part Chimp, Todd, Econoline, Palehorse, Feverdream, Reuben and Art Brut. They have released a split 7" with Southhamptons Disoma and a Split album on Jazzbeard Records with Portsmouths You're Smiling Now, But We'll all Turn into Demons. 2005 should see the release of their new album "The End Times".
Fantomas, The Jesus Lizard, The Swans, Melvins, Cloroform, Ennio Moricone and Kyuss
Life Changing Albums:
Loads! but heres a few:
Elegy - John Zorn: Soundscape Ambient, like the sound track to some Domestic
Shot - Jesus Lizard: Soooooo good, this should be the Blueprint for all rock music, dirty, atmospheric and rocking!
Book of horizons - The Secret Chiefs 3: This band make the music that you talk about
down the pub, only they actually do it, eastern at times, grindy death disco at others, amazing!
How can Fans get in touch with your band:
What are your plans for future, releases, tours etc
We are touring in June, August and hopefully in November 2005 with the band Cloroform from Norway, plans are also afoot for shows in Europe. Also we have the new album coming out, though I'm not sure if it will come out on our label or another as yet undecided one.