The Adventures Of Loki
- Brigit Colton - vocals, bass
- Rachel Parsons - drums
- Steve Wade - vocals, guitar
Formed in 2005 in Lancaster, England, The Adventures Of Loki combine furious thrashings of guitar and bass, a formidable drummer who beats her drum kit into submission and boy/girl vocals which serenade and scream in equal parts to produce dynamic, energetic, and melodic music. Not to mention the superlative songwriting prowess. It's loud and soft and sad and elated and slow and fast and disappointed and excited..... alright? Alright!
"Brigit on bass and Rachel on drums drive a frantic ship through terrifying and beautiful storms of noise and pure music. Guitarist Steve adds his aching voice to theirs and a punky rasp is brightened by huge invention and a great stage presence - they are awesome" (Review of set at Carling Festival: Leeds)
"The songs teem with angular and emotive rock n' roll moves and are literally seething with inventive, edgy sonic energy. Plainly a sound of a band who know they've nailed it." (Jay Taylor, Manchester City Life magazine).
Advocating a 'kick 'em in the teeth and run' approach to their live set, the band always leaves their audiences wanting more. Already, Loki have had the pleasure of appearing on the Lee Sounds Unsigned Stage at the Carling Festival: Leeds and Reading, winning over fans by the shedload! Kerrang! described their performance: "Anthemic hooks, jagged riffs and barking mad boy-girl vocals all play their part in an enthralling opening slot."
Returned from last year's NXNE festival in Toronto with the accolade of "Best International Newcomer" after their blistering show at the Bovine Sex Club!
Press has just started to jump on the Loki bandwagon
PR: Nik Moore,
Video will hit media prior to release date and MTV2 are already anxious to see the results!