In Depth by Kev Kharas and Sam Strang
It's like a festival having been circumcised, serving a purpose but lacking in providing anything much in the way of true enjoyment. With reams of tickets going spare in tight pockets, curling like thin-cleaved skin we begin the joyless, 12-hour odyssey home to bed. No sleep on concrete, no sleep on trains, with little to rationalise the ache...»
In Depth by Kev Kharas and Sam Strang
Up we went, lead by Mammut, jumping the security fence. Stole in and bounded all stealthy over to the machine, the biggest machine in the park, over by the lake. We clamber over the gate and start our ascent, buoyed on dust and wander up through its rippling, rusty guts like monkeys in a metal thicket; ‘til we’re right up, legs dangling 100 tingling feet off the ground, grinning and half-gurning in the canopy...»
In Depth by Kev Kharas and Sam Strang
Rust-ridden to their dockings, five imperious coal excavators dominate Gräfenhainichen’s bleak landscape; 100 foot high industrial behemoths that hark back to the decline this East German area felt after the wall fell...»