ayau1991 has written the following articles:

The Cast of Cheers - Family
Family is further justification of this band's fast rise and an album The Cast of Cheers can be proud of.»

Internet Forever - Internet Forever
For the most part, Internet Forever display an explosive energy which is just shouting out to be heard.»

Smoke Fairies - Blood Speaks
Blood Speaks is one of 2012’s more entrancing records.»

Patrick Watson - Adventures In Your Own Back Yard
Patrick Watson has established himself further as a confident artist who manages to create subtly bewitching worlds which don’t take you too far from the moment.»

Ellen and the Escapades - All the Crooked Scenes
All the Crooked Scenes is an accomplished debut full length which makes its influences well known but crafts a cliché-free and enchanting sound that is very much Ellen and the Escapades' own.»

Magic Castles - Magic Castles
Magic Castles are a good example of how association with a big name can market an otherwise disappointing record.»

Baddies - Build
Baddies deserve points for deviating away from their debut’s overused formula, but there’s still a sense that these tracks have been done before. »

Disappears - Pre Language
Disappears have combined formulae they’ve been comfortable with in the past and tweaked it enough so the result is refreshing, yet familiar. »

David's Lyre - Picture of Our Youth
It’s a shame David’s Lyre has to end, but whatever name Paul Dixon uses next, hopefully it’ll be just as brilliant. »

Phenomenal Handclap Band - Form & Control
The faceless and glossily produced Form & Control is devoid of any real soul. »

Nada Surf - The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy
Nada Surf sound just as vibrant as any new band half their age.»

Young Guns - Bones
You eventually wish Young Guns would give the stadium anthems a rest and be more of that small band from High Wycombe.»

Jim Kroft - The Hermit and the Hedonist
You can only take so much of Jim Kroft urging one to take control of one's life or dismissing style-over-substance personality of online worlds before it all becomes more self-righteous than a G8 conference with Bono and Geldof.»

Rhyton - Rhyton
Centred on trippy improvisations, this is a record which moves whilst going nowhere.»

Kathleen Edwards - Voyageur
Whilst Justin Vernon’s production does add a glossy sheen, Kathleen Edwards’ captivating character is ultimately untouched and as a result, she can finally stand loud and proud as a truly talented individual. »

Sound Of Guns - Silicon
The one dimensional sound of a band turning the wheel of reinvention backwards.»

Standard Fare - Out Of Sight, Out Of Town
While Los Campesinos! have greeted adulthood with a bitter and acidic after taste, Standard Fare have approached it with accepting subtlety.»

Vaporous Light - Vaporous Light
You can’t polish a turd, and Vaporous Light might well disappear into Manchester’s backdrop soon enough.»

Benjamin Shaw - There's Always Hope, There's Always Cabernet
Some of the most powerful emotions can bloom from the simplest of raw moments, and Benjamin Shaw is an expert at crafting just those instances.»

Eleanor Friedberger - Last Summer
Looks like you’re not the only Friedberger who can go it alone, Matthew!»

Olof Arnalds - Olof Sings
Ranging from Cash to Springsteen, Olof Sings adds a minimal and pastoral charm to those old classics.»

Dark Captain - Dead Legs & Alibis
Minor niggles don’t stop Dead Legs & Alibis being Dark Captain’s strongest record to date. »

Blitzen Trapper - American Goldwing
American Goldwing isn’t bad, but it's not particularly exciting when you consider Blitzen Trapper's usual standards.»

Balam Acab - Wander/Wonder
Where micro genres like witch house and chillwave now feel like hazy hangovers, the demand for innovators is at its highest. Alec Koone is one of those innovators.»

Exitmusic - From Silence
From Silence will no doubt bore you by the second and third track. »

Waters - Out in the Light
Van Pierszalowski’s heart is worn clearly on his sleeve without becoming too overbearing and the final product is nothing short of profound. »

Young The Giant - Young the Giant
Young the Giant are aiming for big things and they come close.»

Psychologist - Propeller
This daring move places Psychologist energetically above the seas of bedroom (re)chillwavers.»

Housse de Racket - Alésia
What Housse De Racket lack in terms of a trademark sound, they make up for in wonderful reproductions. »

Florian Lunaire - Spring/Summer 2011
Everything resonates with great expression.»