Staff Reviews

Kasms - Spayed
With KASMs and its collaborative, DIY-hearting assault, it sounds like he might just have found his fit. Led by the scruff of the neck by singer Rachel-Mary Callaghan, whose on (and, frequently, off) stage performance style could be fairly described as ‘confrontational’, KASMs have channelled their very own urban nightmare into a compelling whole on their debut album.»
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london's newest gothic noise hipsters kasms release their debut album on trouble. 'spayed' is full of dark shrieking, pulsating tom tom heavy tribal rhythms, scratchy guitars and strong dynamics. the album was speedily recorded live on a reel-to-reel tape machine and mixed at their studio space by band member rory brattwell. taking in varied influences starting with dark, pulsating, rhythmic bands such as trial, crash worship, live skull and better known dark 80s stuff such as bauhaus and death in june, they cite their sound as being more heavily skewed by recent alternative american punk bands such as subtonix, nation of ulysses and six finger satellite. cd only.
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