Bear In Heaven
Beast Rest Forth Mouth
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- Artists:
- Bear In Heaven »
- Label:
- Dreamboat »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- Bear In Heaven »
- Label:
- Dreamboat »
Staff Reviews

Bear In Heaven - Beast Rest Forth Mouth
There is so much to enjoy here; this is a record which reveals itself more with each listen. Whether Yeasayer end up overshadowing it in the end of year lists remains to be seen, but if that does happen, then this would be an unjust reflection of a wonderful album.»
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bear in heaven have trapped echos, tremors, winds, and fading light. they've redefined time, and folded it. harvesting the same cosmic field sowed by a barrett-era pink floyd, drunk on the same psychedelic wine which has been flowing through brooklyn of late, bear in heaven have ingested the reverb, the third eyes and the weird drugs and spewed out 10 tracks of tunes with a capital t. using shoegazing effects racks and washed out colours jon philpot, adam wills, sadek bazaara, and joe stickney ache with a universal heartache shot through with urgency and ecstasy. if flaming lips payed attention a little bit more they could maybe make a record this good. catch them in the flesh in the spring.
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