And So I Watch You from Afar
All Hail Bright Futures
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- Artists:
- And So I Watch You from Afar »
- Label:
- Sargent House »
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- Artists:
- And So I Watch You from Afar »
- Label:
- Sargent House »
Staff Reviews

And So I Watch You from Afar - All Hail Bright Futures
The new elements And So I Watch You From Afar attempt to integrate here veer between unnecessary or downright obnoxious.»
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And So I Watch You From Afar's third album 'All Hail Bright Futures' could be taken as both an ethos for the album and the band at this point in time. There is a new color scheme in place: new textures, emotions, sounds and voices. The 12-track, 43 minute album is dominated by a sunnier disposition, a positive uplift that more closely matches the euphoria the Northern Ireland trio has been instilling in audiences through their music in a live setting for the last five years. There are moments of tropical guitar pop, percussive bleeping song foundations paired with infectious vocals, a trumpet arrangement, an orchestral interlude, singalong mantras, harmonic hooks, a flute melody, cutup vocals and handclaps. All of these new additions to the ASIWYFA sound are underpinned by their trademark guitar riffs that bliss the musical brain, complemented by the colossal and increasingly expressive rhythm section that comforts as much as it bludgeons.
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