Nope, I don't really get the title either. I guess it makes perfect sense when translated into Italian, Prague front man Alessandro Viccaro's native tongue. Either that, or my grasp of grammar isn't what it was. Actually, it was always awful...
Awful grammar aside, 'You Hear The Song...' is really quite delightful. Viccaro plays most of the instruments, although The Candies' singer Giulio Calvino turns his hand at drumming fairly effectively throughout. The simplicity of the instrumentation is what makes this album so, well, pleasant. Nothing is rushed, and whilst this does occasionally highlight Viccaro's less than perfect vocal talents, the whole album has a certain charm that's difficult to convey with any precision. It radiates a glow like a wintry dawn, full of romance and promise, and whilst song titles like 'Needless Talks' and 'Bad Things Happen' imply the involvement of the eternal muse of woman, this isn't an emo record. At all. If you need a reference, think Built To Spill meets Come, or even London's own econoline at their most hushed.
Prague don't score any points for originality here, but the sense of familiarity felt as each of the nine tracks sparks into life is comforting rather than annoying. If 'real' music comes from the heart rather than the head, Viccaro's must be deeper than the ocean. Maybe he should turn his head to grammar whilst his heart takes care of the music...
8Mike Diver's Score