Goldie Lookin' Chain
Safe As Fuck
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- Artists:
- Goldie Lookin' Chain »
- Label:
- Atlantic »
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- Artists:
- Goldie Lookin' Chain »
- Label:
- Atlantic »
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Staff Reviews

Goldie Lookin Chain - Safe As Fuck
Dylan Thomas, perhaps Wales’ most celebrated alcoholic, once stood back, cast his poetic gaze across the town of his birth and declared Swansea “…the most romantic town I know…crawling, sprawling, slummed, unplanned, jerry-villa ‘ed, and smug suburbed by the side of a long and splendid-curving shore.” So what the hell happened a few miles down the road in Newport where “…it was about last week, it really got me thinking about how your missus goes nuts when we go drinking. Last week she ended up on a binge, she got off her tits and showed the bouncers her minge”?»