First Open Mouth gig this Sunday!
Hurrah! I'm shitting it totally now because this Sunday, 10th September, sees the first ever totally proper official Open Mouth Inauguration Ceremony at 2bob's brilliant acoustic night at The Fox in Lewisham. In other words, it's the first time I'll play loads of new stuff and won't be allowed to fall back on Miss Black America songs alone...
For those who haven't been to a 2bob night, they're what all gigs will be like when Satan finally retires from the music industry and gets back to the songwriting at which he's so famously adept.
It's completely free, the beer's completely cheap, and all the details are completely on my homepage:
See you there! I hope.
love from Seymour xxx
P.S. - If you're around Central London this Saturday night, there's a bunch of brilliant bands playing at the Metro in Oxford St, including William and Chet - well worth the fiver, if you can make it.