How many tracks do you give it before deciding if a band are crap?
Before I start - yeah, I know this is a really subjective question. Sometimes you hear a heart-breakingly awful song somewhere and vow never to subject your ears to that kind of what-not ever again. But say you're (like me) trying to work through the albums you missed in 2009, or someone recommends something new to you - how long do you generally give it before making up your mind?
This is hard because I know some things are growers but sometimes I just cannot be fucked to let them grow on me, like some kind of aural fungus. For example, I am trying to let The Dirty Projectors grow on me (I'm failing, I think I've given up) but today I gave bands I've never heard before Delphic and Naive New Beaters precisely three songs each before I decided they were shit.
Am I too quick to judge? Are you quicker to judge? Should I listen to a full album? Is this just too subjective a question to ever properly quantify? (Yes, probably. Oh well.)
Anyway, I'm curious.