So, Jonsi Birgisson of Sigur Ros fame...
Is releasing a solo album? Weird thing is i can't seem to find anyone talking about it literally anywhere, and you'd think it'd get SOME kind of hype...
Anyway, just wanted to, you know, make it known or something. Also, sigur ros said they were releasing an album this year, so is this taking its place? Cos it would seem silly to say 'oh yeah we're sigur ros and we've made this new album' and then later to be like 'well actually it was only jonsi, but we had you going, right?' So i just wondered if jonsi is releasing this solo album AND sigur ros are releasing an album as a group. Cos if that happened i don't think i could be able to hold in my jizz.
oh p.s for those unaware you can download a song from jonsi's album called boy lilikoi here: