If I wanted to buy new vinyl online, where would be best / cheapest?
Hey everyone! I feel like going on a bit of an online vinyl binge soon(my local towns have only poorly stocked high street stores) and I only know of a few places to order recent vinyl releases from: Ray site/amazon/ebay
I'm potentially after picking up this sort of stuff:
Pantha Du Prince, Fuck Buttons, The National,Flying Lotus,Boris,Kyuss,Joy Orbison, new Deftones, new Dillinger Escape Plan, Melvins, Burial, Dead Weather,new Portishead, Health,new Interpol,new Srokes,The Knife,Aphex Twin
I can't really be arsed with the bother of ebay or discogs either. I'm after new virgin vinyl and exclusive first pressings etc.
If you lot could help me out with a list of places I can use to price comparison I'd really appreciate it.
Happy weekends :)