OK, so this is a bit of a JAG, but if it pays off then a member of DiS could play The Pyramid Stage at Glasto.
Some of you already know, but I play in a punk-influenced, Drum & Bass, Trip-Hop duo called 'Alt Track'.
On a punt, we entered a competition for Glastonbury's Emerging Talent Competition this year. Somehow we've found ourselves whittled down from 1600 bands to 10 in a vote for the last slot in the final. We don't normally do the whole competition malarky, preferring greatly the grafting, having no money and no time to ourselves kind of life, but hey!
The winner'll go on to play The Glastonbury Pyramid Stage or The Other Stage. This is so god damn exciting it makes me ache down there.
Anyway, if any of you at all could vote, and pass on the link to as many people as you know as possible (Whether it's blogs, twitter, facebook...) that'd be unbelievably cool.
Vote Alt Track! :D
Nice one guys x