Has anyone heard 'The Optimist' by New Young Pony Club yet?
I gotta tell ya, it's a real grower.
I realise that they aren't everyone's cuppa and that some people were entirely unimpressed by 'Fantastic Playroom' (I actually think it's a pretty solid debut) but this is certainly not retreading old ground. Where as FP is full of catchy new wave hooks with it's eye on accessibility, the follow up is not by any means an immediate album but there seems to be more skill in them.
The title track might well be the best song they've produced. I hope people give it a go? Of course, it hasn't gotten any official reviews yet (I don't think) so it might get slated but free from that, I actually think this is in some ways, an interesting development for the band and might win over a few who weren't to fussed first time round. Give it a few goes though, that's all I'll say.