OK I posted this a while back on the musicians board but I guess perhaps not so many people read that, and after years of service expressing my detailed thoughts and opinions for free on this here music discussion board, I like to think I have earnt the right to do this.
My band 4 or 5 Magicians is in urgent need of a new lead guitarist. If you are a guitarist that might want to join, know of anyone who might want to join (perhaps a friend who was in a band and now isn't), or have any information as to where our perfect new guitarist is hiding, please email me at fourorfivemagicians[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
I won't turn this into a mega-Jag, but I will say that the following is true :
- We are currently on the roster of one of the best UK independent labels (Smalltown America).
- Our debut album last year got lots of very nice reviews in the press ... 7s, 8s, 9s ... and even got into a few blog end of year top 10 lists alongside some real bands!
- I currently have 8 songs for the second album written, and ready to be demoed / taken on the road, and they are at least twice as good as the stuff on the first album. This means we should be getting around 17 or 18 out of 10 when the reviews come in, which I believe would be an unprecedented level of critical success in pop music.
Here is the original thread : for more information and songs and stuff ....