The Hardcore/Emo Violence/Everything Awesome Music Thread
A thread for one and all to discuss the music of bands such as Circle Takes the Square, Kidcrash, Ampere, Envy, Loma Prieta, Mesa Verde, Daitro, City of Caterpillar, Portraits of Past, Bucket Full of Teeth, Transistor Transistor, Orchid, Indian Summer, Louise Cyphre, Raien, La Quiete, Amanda Woodward, Jeromes Dream, Usurp Synapse, Joshua Fit For Battle, Neil Perry, Pg. 99, I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook, The Kodan Armada, Nigel Thornberry, Off Minor, Saetia, Hot Cross, You and I, Love Like... Electrocution, Funeral Diner, Sinoloa, GOSPEL, etc.
One of my favorites at this moment is L'antietam, the album Family is just wonderful. I believe they've toured with Kidcrash and I know the two released a split together. So, any new/old finds that you've been digging?