The BBC Music review of An Introduction to Elliott Smith (fanboy alert)
Probably not worthy of its own thread. I thought I'd bring it up though, because less-than-positive reviews of Elliott Smith are hard to come by in the indie-sphere. (Maybe that's just since his death? Maybe I'm not looking hard enough)
Basically - for those who can't be bothered to read - the argument is that Smith is 'flawed' because he never lightens up. Seems a bit harsh to hold that against him - he's a singer-songwriter, after all. Apparently, 'his maudlin musings are rather hard work for all but the most introspective of listeners', too. I don't consider myself overly introspective. But I can manage an album of downbeat sentiment as long as it's not dull or squirmingly honest, neither of which describe Elliott Smith.
I don't think it was a bad review at all, I'm just not entirely clear on the reviewer's opinion. Does it matter if an artist specialises in one particular emotive range? (Oh my god I just said emotive range I'll stop soon I promise) Should The Beach Boys have written more maudlin songs? Would Joy Division be a better band if Ian Curtis had brightened up? No.