a full week of ??uxmu?ica on NFRblog
This man is called Yorba Zergot. He makes music and videos as ??uxmu?ica and has a multimedia arts collective website called Escape Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. It’s quite sci-fi, tech-noir, occult oriented stuff – very cryptic, encoded it meta-cultural symbology. He’s quite nomadic, has lived in loads of cities in the US and Bangkok for a few years. He’s a bit of an urchin, can’t keep jobs, reads tarot – and is a properly abrasive character when he writes. His nice emails to people are really rude. He should be quite well known but he’s been shut out of scenes and labels – probably because people find him a total dick. I really like him. He's been involved with some pretty big labels and bands without anything fully coming of it - one of the also rans whos music deserves way more than it's got.
Interesting guy. I am devoting all week to him on my blog with album downloads, videos and work for/from/involving associated artists.
First post is an interview and overview, second post later today will be the first album to download: