Sonic Youth books. Which one to read first?
There are two about the band that I know of. Psychic Confusion and Goodbye 20th Century. Anyone read them? Anyone care to impart some wisdom about which is the best. I like to delve deep into the music rather than read about financials and what not.
On another note, I've only just got round to buying Murray Street. Pretty amazing (the album, not the fact I've only just bought it). Listening to it on my commute makes me think BIG thoughts, makes me think of shining cityscapes, bright skies, like anything is possible. That's a good thing seeing as my personal life is quite low right now.
It's the first SY album I've bought since Dirty. Anything match it? I hear Washing Machine is good, maybe Sonic Nurse too.
(sorry to start yet another Sonic Youth "what is best" type thread)