Predict DiS' albums of 2011
Closest guess of what our top 10 will be wins a special prize*
FYI: The DiS list is based on votes from staff, things loved by our editors (so have been covered a fair bit this year) and attempts to approximately represent things loved on these boards all year too. It's not a perfect science but it seems to have 'worked' the past few years if the reaction to the Emeralds and M83 number ones is anything to go by.
The countdown of the top 75 begins on Monday. Top 5 will be revealed next Thursday. Before that we have our 12 Days of DiSmas with giveaways, 11 lost albums and lists, lists and more lists
* = prize is basically as many CDs and vinyls as I can fit into a 12" envelope - will try to make them stuff you'd like based on your tastes on your DiS profile.