Song Title by Instrumental Bands
Bands that play instrumental music probably have more of a challenge when naming their tunes because the piece of music may not be about anything. Some of the resulting song titles can be amusing (Don Cab – “Bears See Things Pretty Much the Way They Are” or cheesy (Mogwai – “Stop Coming to my House” or both(Don Cab – “In The Absence of Strong Evidence to the Contrary, One My Step Out of the Way of the Charging Bull”); sometimes it seems like the band is just trying too hard (Mogwai – “ I Love You, I’m Going to Blow Up Your School”
My personal favourite instrumental song titles are coincidentally by my fav instrumental band : Oxes – “Panda Strong”,” Bees Won” and especially their latest EP and single – “Orange Jewelryist” and “Bile Stbudy”. The last two just make me laugh, and are also great tracks – those guys….
What instrumental song titles amuse / annoy / impress you lot?