Improvements one can make to ones guitar
i specifically want to know if anyone has any advice for modifications i could make to my guitar that would stop it from losing tuning so fast.
i play a washburn idol w165 (not an amazing guitar, but not a complete piece of shit, so i have some hope in it) and i play it in a punk band and i play energetically and hard. i end up needing to tune between most songs, which sucks.
also i break lots of strings. im not made of money so i'm not going to put fresh strings on every gig, and doing that would mean even more tuning. best improvement i've made to my string longevity is playing a slightly heavier gauge and wiping down after gigs to stop my disgusting sweat corroding them too much. any other tips? again, i play energetically becaise i find that fun to do. i've also switched to lighter picks, which sucks because it's not nearly as satisfying.
all this aside, what modifications have you made to your guitar? how useful are they? stuff like shielding etc