Early impressions of 'Shaking The Habitual' by The Knife
So far I think this album is wholly unfocused and not in a very good way either, the are some moments where this album sores to the sky with everything you'd want from The Knife and more then all of the sudden you find them stuck in a holding pattern and yourself listening to a song desperate to find an ending that never comes. The final insult to injury could be the fact they throw a 20 minute ambient track from absolutely nowhere to troll a large majority of their audience & whilst hypnotic it seems totally out of place. And that the albums major flaw a lot of ideas seem totally out of place or misdirected and I find myself anxiously looking at the timer rather then getting engrossed in the music.
OBVIOUSLY this is not the album you'd form a solid opinion on first listen but I don't really have the urge to return to it other then for a handful of songs & at this point I feel it's in serious need of editing. So far a 6/10