(^this thread) favourite Nick Drake album?
studio LPs only, obviously.
have to be honest, i think all three are pretty much perfect. probably my favourite artist, and i'd argue the only one with a faultless cannon of music. each has been my favourite at some point or other.
'Fives Leaves Left' was the first i heard, and so will always be slightly more special than the others, and i definitely think it's his most immediate record.
wasn't completely sure about 'Bryter Layter' initially, but it's grown on me hugely over the years, and is probably the one i listen to most. the bits that i thought were a bit extravagant and jazzy initially are now the bits i love most.
some fans seem say 'Pink Moon' is a bit darker, i don't think so, but some of the songs take a bit more attention. it's still ultimately quite a breezy folk record, but once you get past some of the most recognisable tracks it's a bit more complex.