D, I and S bands - DiS party song requests
Hi All,
Tomorrow night, DiS is going to be celebrating 13 years of existence by having a few drinks at the Strongrooms in East London. We've got Ghosting Season and Sam Airey playing live, and a special DJ set from Carl Barat, as well as the A-Z Club DJs.
A-Z is a night that each month plays a set of songs by bands that start with the same letter. So on the B night they only played B-bands like Bauhaus, The Beatles and Boyz to Men. It's a night that was started by members of the DiS boards, so we thought it would be fun to invite them along to DJ at our party.
We've set the challenge of playing only bands that begin with D, I or S. I'll get my requests in early and get out of your way so you can start making demands...
dEUS - A Little Arithmetic
Idlewild - Film for the Future
The Shins - Sleeping Lessons
Deftones - Knife Party
Interpol - PDA
The Streets - Let's Push Things Forward
See you tomorrow? You don't NEED to RSVP, and it's free entry, but you can shove your name on here if you like