Why don't post punk band Au Pairs get a lot more love?
They really ought to be talked about a lot more often in my book.
The first few singles were brilliant, garnering hits like 'It's obvious' and 'You' which rival all that other post punk era stuff. Then the debut record that followed was amazing, featuring even more great tunes married with some pretty tough views on the British government in their handling of Irish affairs.
The second album changed tact a little but in my book was even better, going for the jugular with some pretty brutal production and even more politically charged lyrics (which so few other bands ever manage to pull off well without sounding pious). They also brought in a heap of free jazz influences and even a bit of early disco, giving the record that sort of experimental vibe 'London Calling' has.
Then they just vanished, which is the sort of tale music journalists usually adore.
Despite all this, whenever I see articles about The Slits, Gang of Four, Raincoats, Young Marble Giants, Life without buildings etc they never so much get a mention.
Their back catalogue is on Spotify so check them out or if you already like them, tell me why...