Bands that are so big you forget how good they are.
I'm finally reading Morrissey's autobiography and it's made me re-listen to a lot of Smiths stuff I haven't listened to in ages. It really is incredible stuff.
There are so many of the 'classic' bands that you kind of become immune to after a while. You know you love them, but you don't actually put their records on all that often because you're too busy chasing something new. Then you actually *listen* to them again for the first time in ages (rather than just hearing the singles in shops or whatever) and you remember just how great they are.
Also happened with the Sex Pistols not so long ago. Never Mind the Bollocks was one of the classic 'bought it in the HMV sale for £5 when I was 16 because NME told me too' and I always liked it, but I never truly appreciated how great it actually is until fairly recently.