Discover Weekly vs Apple Music's playlists vs [insert other digital music discovery methods]
Friend of mine was raving about Spotify's Discover Weekly in the pub on Saturday so I've given mine another go. Not discovered anything I adore from this week's playlist that I didn't already know but good to reminded how great Exitmusic are (were?) and to get one of the 'deep cuts' from the Shamir album that I haven't spent much time with.
You can tell that Matt Ogle is behind it. He's also from ThisIsMyJam and was one of the main developers at in the early days.
This is what it has served up for me this week (probably ruined a little by me listening to things curiously rather than because I love them)
How have you found your weekly algorithmically made playlist? And has anyone discovered anything good that they don't already know through Apple Music? Is there anything else you trust a little more for 'discovery'? I realise the latter is a sickening buzzword, but it doesn't have to be 'new' stuff. I guess these boards and the weekly album threads introduce me to far more stuff - thanks again for continuing to big up that Petrels album, I really loved it.