Holy Roar X
Anyone go this Saturday?
I had a blast. I think I saw all but two bands, although I must admit I was flagging towards the end. Svalbard were my main draw and they were pretty great (although the sound in the Dome was a mixed bag and it maybe wasn't the best show I've seen of their's), Slabdragger and Ohhms were massive riff merchants, Meek Is Murder and Vales were new to me but I really, really enjoyed them, and Rolo Tomassi were terrific, as ever, even if it seemed like most people were pretty tuckered out by then. But that Hang The Bastard set was pure carnage. Looked like it was legitimately on the verge of getting out of control. Zero props to the fucking moron who front flipped off a 6-foot something speaker stack, kicked somebody really hard in the head on the way down and landed square on the dancefloor all kinds of fucked up. But a belting set nonetheless.