Free reading material
So, anyone want to read this little novel I've written and harshly criticise it? A couple of mates are reading it and they're like 'yeah I like it'. But I don't rely on them to slate it. It's called Sap, here's the blurb;
The humorous and sordid story of a 19 year old boy named Rowan, who one day sets off on a road trip around Britain, the goal of which is to find somewhere significant to plant a small tree left to him by his late grandfather. At least that's his excuse, as he drinks and drives aimlessly around Britain, hoping for something to bring meaning to his pointless existence as a hungover, horny checkout monkey.
If you read it and offer me some constructive feedback then when (if...) it's published in book form I promise to give you a signed copy.
Just PM me I guess if you want to read it. Ta very much.