Thursday Gaming Thread
So what's been going on...
Sunset Overdrive comes out to some very mixed reviews. Plenty of 9s, lots of 6s. Seems like its pretty full on BUT a good experienc . It'd be my first purchase if I had an Xboxone.
Which I don't, but plenty more people do apparently since the price drop worldwide.
Nintendo also post profits and say the Wii U and 3DS are doing well now. Sales are still a bit meh compared to past glories but definitely improving.
Destiny DLC previews say it fixes some of the story woes and Bungie go on a huge defensive PR run to say the game is amazing. From podcasts and forums though, I sense a lot of people still feel its a bit undercooked.
Which is a recurring theme right now it seems with games coming out half finished, requiring 10gb patches or needing huge overhauls 3 months in. Think its just teething problems or have the next gen consoles got to the ceiling of broadband capabilities / realistic development costs in terms of potential return?