X-Men: Apocalypse
Anyone else seen this yet? I took in a bank holiday afternoon viewing yesterday.
I thought it was alright - more enjoyable than SvB but not as good as Cap America 3.
Spoiler-y thoughts:
* En Sabah Nur was a poor villain, very one dimensional and I don't think Oscar Isaac was the right choice for such a role (I like him generally too). I liked the way they showed him casually melding people into walls/floors though.
* The Wolverine scene has made me even more excited for the proposed 'rated 18' version of his next stand alone film - t'was a fairly brutal escape even though they still kept the blood to a minimum.
* Cyclops is still a boring character. Ditto him off Eastenders with the wings.
* Let's use our powers to re-build the mansion at the end - fuck off, taking jobs away from local building firms...
* "Look, I've built us this cool fighter jet to aid us!" and then we never see it again. Did it blow up along with the mansion?
* Loved all the Poland-based stuff with Magneto, his family and the steel mill which all then culminated in his recruitment.
* I now fancy Rose Byrne, Olivia Munn and Sophie Turner, but that's by and by.
One for the DiS membership at large: Are they trying to link these 'prequels' into the original X Men film (from 2000) or has that original trilogy been consigned to the history books?