Aspects of your hobbies/projects you dislike
1) bronies
2) nerd/geek culture (I've given up trying to distinguish between the two) likes to congratulate itself for being very inclusive but it's actually pretty snobbish and judgemental in its own way. Also has a MAJOR diversity issue, particularly the card game stuff I do, which is slowly being addressed, but is impeded by the number of fedora-wearing neckbearded troglodytes around.
3) (totally hypocritically given the "snobbishness" complaint above) a lot of the people involved are just really fucking difficult to be around. There absolutely are loads of actually adult, pleasant human beings who enjoy playing board/card games, but for every one of them there are four Comic Book Guys waiting in the wings and it's fucking exhausting to deal with.
4) boob plate and related issues.
Your turn.