Either I'm a moron, Microsoft are shits, or it's a little of column A and a little of column B, but for the life of me I have no idea what my Skype Name is. I signed up for it for the first time recently and it seems like it used my Outlook email address as my Skype Name but LITERALLY NOWHERE ON THE SKYPE WEBSITE will confirm this. I have a Skype job interview coming up and don't want to fuck this up by something as stupid as sending an incorrect Skype ID to them. I have 4 different tabs open for Skype Community boards and nobody can parse out the meaning of this, from the Skype help page:
"If you sign in with an email address instead, then you have a Microsoft account, not a Skype Name."
Like, I know I have a fucking Microsoft account. Is this Microsoft account my Skype Name, if somebody is specifically asking me for my Skype Name? If I send these people my email address are they going to think I'm thick as shit and not give me a job? Is it the whole email address, or just the bit before the @?
Asking for a friend.