Bob Dylan's people have apparently been in contact with bosses of American Idol (that's the US version of Pop Idol, d'uh), saying that the mumbling rock legend wanted to appear as a guest judge on the show.
Wannabe pop star: So, Mr Dylan, how did you like my take on Anastacia?
Bob: mummmmummmmummmmummm, um, huh?
Simon Cowell: Oh knob off you useless tart. No, not you kid, this bag of bones here. For the record kid, I think you've a great voice, and you're through to the last 50. Awwww look! He's wet himself now...
Bless. Rumour has it that Paul McCartney is also considering an offer to appear on the show. Dylan meanwhile is currently appearing in an ad for underwear manufacturer Victoria's Secret in the States. Oh, and he probably doesn't have an incontinence problem. Yet.