You Are the One I Pick
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- Felix »
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- Kranky »
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- Felix »
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- Kranky »
Staff Reviews

Felix - You Are the One I Pick
The lead track on Felix’s debut album is called ‘Death to Everyone But Us’. It’s a brave opening gambit and seductive invitation to their dreamily pretty, bizarre world.»
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Felix is the musical duo of Lucinda Chua and Chris
Summerlin, who make their home in Nottingham,
The focus of the album is Lucinda's askew stories, and
the subtle conversation between her piano and the guitar
accompaniment of Chris Summerlin, an intuitive
discussion that speaks volumes by not saying too much
and while never stepping on each other's lines.
The songs themselves are delicate and spare chamber
pop. They are understated and deceptively simple, but
deliver an emotional impact that mere decibels cannot.
Lucinda's tales of woe concern the banality of domestic
life, small animals, and the desire to keep the forces of the
world at bay.
You Are the One I Pick may be an album of small
charms, but they come with a frequency rarely found, and
are myriad in number.
Lucinda Chua is a classically trained pianist and cellist,
has been a touring member of Stars of the Lid, and is an
accomplished photographer. Chris also plays guitar in the
rock band Lords. This is the first extended release for
Felix following a split single with Chris Herbert on the Low
"Her vocals quiver amid soft pillows of cello, piano and guitar. The effect
recalls Nico's backwards vocals on Kevin Ayer's Confessions of Doctor
Dream album, but Felix seems to be singing about domestic issues
which an explicit focus Nico would never manifest." - THE WIRE
"Felix crafts one of the most lovely ditties we've heard in ages, one that
evokes sunsets, cider ice lollies and casual giggles." - BOOMKAT
"Felix's music is hard to pinpoint; with the qualities of a dream,
fragmented memories which ebb in and out of consciousness and the
delicacy of classical music mixed with modern soundtracks, the
collective have been stunning Nottingham audiences for the last year
with their mix of toy piano, cello and singing wine glasses. Lucy's voice
never fails to draw you in and their music whispers with fragility and
restraint." l- LEFT LION