File under: LOL.
Fans of pop-mum Britney Spears can unite at a website demanding that she divorces her husband, dancer-turned-would-be-rapper Kevin Federline.
Divorce has a mission statement that reads as follows:
"Welcome to the home of the Anti-Kevin movement. Are you sick of seeing the train wreck that is Britney and Kevin? Sign the K-Fed Up Petition, grab your Divorce Kevin gear and help Britney remove the boil that is Kevin from herself and her payroll!"
The website's creator is Jason Cage, a DJ in Little Rock. He previously ran the site, which urged people to help troubled teenage star Lindsay Lohan pile on at least a few more pounds. She was reeeet skinny y'see.
The Britney website features before and after photos of the singer, who has apparently deteriorated since her (second, lest we forget) wedding. That said, we just clicked the link and went nowhere fast... hmmm...
All the same, we repeat: LOL.