Do you like watching tourists have trouble working the sweeetie machines in London Underground stations? Are you frequently overwhelmed by the range of sandwiches available in Mark's 'n' Spencer? Do you want to see some puppies? If the answer to these is 'yes', do not worry - it just means you are Normal.
And just to be Normal as usual, it will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me well enough that I think The Capes' 'debut' EP is the bee's knees.
The blend of some satisfyingly squelchy synth noises, detuned guitar and slightly wobbly harmonies, its release on an obscure indie label (former home of Medium 21) make 'I Write The Wrongs EP' a CD that Adie Will Obviously Like... which probably spells doom for the Brixton quintet, but let's ignore that fact and concentrate on the fact that Steven Wells hates it.
'I Write The Wrongs' is not a perfect EP but I don't like my Pop music to be perfect. They have the blend of musical schizophrenia right on-the-ball - from, ugh I hate to use this word, 'classic' indiepop of the title track, the alt.countryish 'Chromeless', the oddness of 'Boy In A Hood', and the final track, 'First Base', reminding me of Urusei Yatsura, which can only be a good thing.
Most importantly, they know who to pen a tune, goddamnit, and the four tracks here make for one of the finest EPs I have heard for a long, long time.
9[redacted]'s Score