Pounding, driven rock’n’roll, made distinctive by keyboards and a reinforcing echo to the music which gives it a sense of intent and inevitability. The record is overlaid with a cartwheeling exuberance and energy, a strobe-like effect which flickers without feeling disjointed. There’s an almost theatrical glamour to it - this music is made to be performed; it’s well-styled without feeling false or faked, maintaining an urgency which borders on breathless desperation. It’s not obviously nasty music but there’s a hard-to-pin-down discomforting element to it, reminiscent of a highly-stylised film-sequence where innocent-looking harlequin dolls suddenly turn and pull knives on you while maintaining cheerful wooden grins. You know?
Dubious imagery aside, this is aesthetically pleasing and delightfully energetic stuff - go get.