so i set up a Record Label on Sunday
i'm apprehensive about jagging too much, but i wanted to make a post about it all the same.
it is called Wild Combination Recordings, and the first release will be put out in September, containing two new tracks from Haiku Salut and two exclusive tracks from Hopeless Local Marching Band. it will be sold for the price of TWO POUNDS. originally i think i'll do up a hundred copies.
Andy Vine of DiS message board fame will be doing the artwork.
If you want to keep on top of whats happening with the label then please 'like' it on;
I won't be making a website, or jagging it much as i know it can get annoying. maybe i'll just bump this thread.
Also, in an unrelated note you can hear a reasonably good ambient thing i made here;
it is getting a lot of plays in japan, 25 today, for some reason.