1. What is your favourite cheese and why?
Jon: Gouda. It’s Dutch. Or Port Salut, which isn't.
Ros: The cheese in my pants cos its free
Deadly: Emmanthal – the mother of all cheeses.
HandsomeDave: Mature Cheddar because it tastes good.
2. What would be the first thing you'd do if you had a really convincing sex change?
Jon: Check out my body
Ros: Wank
Deadly: Have lesbian sex
HandsomeDave: Heal up.
3. If you had to sleep with another member of your band who would it be and why?
Jon: I've slept with them all, I think, already. I know what to watch out for with all of them but I get more space in the bed with Ros.
Ros: Dave cos he’s the most handsome or jon cos hes the one most likely to give me babies.
Deadly: I’ve slept with them all already. They are all great.
HandsomeDave: Deadly, because he's the most accommodating.
4. Where do you buy tour underwear and how much of it do you buy?
Jon: Usually from a merch stand at the gig. One pair is enough, right?
Ros: What? We’ve only ever been on tour for 2 weeks at a time and I don’t need to change my underwear that often.
Deadly: Underwear????? It’s a struggle keeping my clothes on in the first place.
HandsomeDave: We have them tailor made to accommodate the size of our rock. We usually get through about 30 pairs a week.
5. Who or what do you really hate at the moment and why?
Jon: Pop Wankers and all that stuff. Makes my blood boil. Thank god for the internet, where would people find out about new, original music otherwise?
Ros: Everyone at college cos theyre all wankers
Deadly: Tony Blair, George Dubbya Bush and all the television propaganda trying to brain wash us into a war we don’t need or want.
HandsomeDave: Money
6. What band would you really like people to know about?
Jon: Apart from mine? Erm, the 'Edible 5ft Smiths'.
Ros: 'Reverend Pike' cos theyer great and we released one of their 7”s (on youth club tape club).
Deadly: Just one? There are several people should know about and they should get down to their local gigs and see as many bands as possible. But if I had to name one, I would say 'Eeebleee'.
HandsomeDave: Jetplane Landing
7. Who’d win the fight: The Grateful Dead OR The Undead with burning spears?
Jon: The Undead with burning spears.
Ros: The undead with burning spears
Deadly: WHO CARES.
HandsomeDave: The Undead with Britney Spears.
So… ahem… yes. The Rock Of Travolta shall return all laden with new songs and pretty, ready to take on a new tour early next year. Until then they will be making spot performances across the country. Details of which can, as ever, be found on their band profile!