Currently you can see in the top left our White Band for Make Poverty History. We suggest if you have a website, especially if it's popular, that you do the same and insert their simple code into your template. To do so, go here. And if not, that you click the link and find out how you can support the cause.
Why is a music site doing this?
Whilst Drowned in Sound might be a music site and our lives revolve around music, the truth of the matter is, whether as an escape from the real world, a source of inspiration or simply part of a search for understanding, music and life go hand in hand. Though we believe that there isn't enough knowledge about great music, there seems to be an even more alarming lack of awareness of the problems facing the (real) world everyday. In our own small way we want to help overcome the sense of laziness in our generations abilities to help create change. We understand apparent hopelessness and the views of insignificance. But the truth is, simple yet on mass, grand gestures, can in fact change things. And if we can help boost awareness of causes, then we'll do what we can.
Without being earnest and preachy about it, DiS will be supporting many causes in a variety of different ways, as this is something I've always felt passionate about (ab)using the mouthpiece of DiS to do. And now more than ever, with DiS racking up 4million pageviews a month, and the world is in a shit state, Bush back in power, pollution, exploitation, and then there's us taking money for advertising. So to balance out the bad karma of taking corporate lucre to help cover running costs and to continue the evolution and development of DiS; we will be giving a percent of advertising to organisations we support and respect. We hope Robin Hood would be proud.
DiScuss: Do you hate the new adverts? Have you noticed any teething problems with them? Which organisations do you support and believe we should too?