It’ll be March soon, dear readers. To celebrate, there will be lots of showers despite the apparent drought and the maddest of march hares will run rampant across the fields and straight under the wheels of the bulldozer clearing the way for the newest housing project. Oh, and LCD Soundsystem will release their new album, Sound of Silver.
The follow-up to 2005’s super-successful self-titled effort hits these shores on March the 12th, followed by a US release on the 20th. Do you think it’s weird that we get it a whole eight days before the Americans? Well, Japan get it as early as the 7th, so work that out.
Tracklisting monkey, bring me the titles!
‘Get Innocuous’
‘Time To Get Away’
‘North American Scum’
‘Someone Great’
‘All My Friends’
‘Us vs Them’
‘Watch The Tapes’
‘Sound Of Silver’
‘New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down’
‘North American Scum’ is available as a single on March the 5th. LCD Soundsystem are coming to a large place near you, probably, as follows:
7 Birmingham Academy
8 Leeds Metropolitan University
9 Glasgow Barrowlands
10 Manchester Academy
11 Norwich UEA
13 Bristol Academy
14 London Astoria
15 London Astoria
Hopefully all that time spent playing gigs will finally allow Daft Punk to make their escape.