Can you say SCREEEEEEEEEEAM FOR ME?! Cos Searing I can, without the slightest hint of irony. They don’t look like people I’d like to meet in a dark alley or… anywhere else for that matter. One of them even looks like Fred Durst!
But the music. Oh jesus. This scream, speed metal. I’m sure plenty of people will like it. I do not. Hey, this is ‘music’ by people who like what they like, play what they like, and don’t really give a rat’s ass to what the consequences of the racket they produce might do to the human ear. In one word – respect. In other words – no neeeeeeed.
Song titles: ‘Believe It When You Die’, ‘Please My Hunger’, ‘Suck This’. I think that says it all.
2[redacted]'s Score