Angel is a song to make love to in a dark seedy hotel with a girl with a dirty smile. Massive Attack are an excellent act which make dark, melodic tunes with oppressive, seductive beats.
Mezzanine is full of their trademark darkness, and this is what attracts me to this album. The production is flawless and every beat, every lyric is delivered so smoothly you’d think you were imagining these sounds from the darkest regions of your damaged mind.
This is a soundtrack album to a movie starring dark characters with knife edge personalities and fragile hearts. Teardrop takes you into the eye of a storm where you are left untouched by everything around you. Inertia Creeps takes over your body while you try to stay still.
This is an album you listen to while your splayed out on your mates couch (spliff optional) or while your waiting at a bus stop in the rain. This is an album you will listen to again and again until either your stereo breaks down or you will.
10Cihan Narin's Score